Saturday, 31 October 2009


Here are some photos at last. The last few days have been, frankly,
pretty awful - John and I have both been sick and the babies have been
unwell too. Fortunately we are now all picking up and it's possible to
sit upright again for long enough to type this. We have been so
incredibly thankful to have my mum here - without her I really don't
know HOW we would have coped with the last few days. She has done our
washing and kept us supplied with enough sprite to keep going when we
couldn't hold down anything else - I don't think these attributes are
specifically mentioned in Proverbs 31 but I rather think they should

We are thrilled to say that the babies are doing really, really well.
We hardly recognise them even from the babies they were a few days
ago. They are eating (and eating and eating) and we can see them
gaining strength right before our eyes. They are really delightful and
we are so thankful that they are finally with us.

I really hope sending these photos works, because they are pretty cute, huh??

Much love

John and Caroline

Tuesday, 27 October 2009

Dear Family and Friends,

We have good news! This morning we attended the First Instance
District court and were officially declared the parents of Isaias
Peter Semir Charles and Lulit Heather Semira Charles.

We are thrilled and very thankful. We will be picking up the babies
later this afternoon, and will post pictures as soon as we get a
chance, we just wanted to pass on the good news now.

Lots of love

John and Caroline

Friday, 23 October 2009

Got snowsuitsGot bearsuits *Got stripes Got wipesGot clothes for him **
Got clothes for his twin
Got books and toys***Got wishes for joy****Got homemade owls
Got baby towels*****Got suitcases packed
(Got help from the cat)
Got nappies******Got happy And so.

Let's go!!*******

* is this child cruelty? I sure hope not.
** check out the tacky but fabulous superman outfit!!
*** the cot is in our room, before you think we've forgotten something major here...
**** sorry about that rhyme.
***** and yes, the towel ALSO has an owl! I didn't make that one though.
****** if you were writing this in the states, what would you rhyme with 'diaper??'

******* 9.30 tonight! And yes, I'm finally ready! For the flight at least, if not for parenthood. It's taken mum and I all of this week to get me sorted with everything that we'll need for the babies, but we're finally there. Prayers needed for no lost luggage, please!! John flies out on Sunday night because there was only one ticket available on the friday night flight. Will post again from Addis as soon as we can.

Thursday, 15 October 2009

Court Date

We have finally had a court date allocated! It will be October 27... twelve days time! It's going to be a bit of a rush getting ready to go again, but we can't wait. We're just dying to see those babies again.

So, it seemed like time to fire up the blog again... more updates as they happen!