So, due to my behind-ness, lots of photos today. It's been quite a while, and things have happened.
The babies have outgrown their bearsuits. I nearly cried.
(Just to avoid any confusion, the captions refer to the photo above....)
It turns out we have a push-me-pull-you that sleeps in our cot.
The babies have started to learn what toys are for...
our little man is sitting up!
our little girl just concentrates on being beautiful...
all together.... aaaaahhhhhhhh.....
Grandma came to help us go to the hospital, and found out what happens when you say 'yes' to the question 'will you pose with the babies?' without asking any questions first
the babies turned seven months... (and John got home from work early because he was at a conference! Woo hoo! I think this is the first time he has ever seen the babies before bathtime on a weekday)
Isaias has a carnivorous cardigan...
he found his feet...
I really don't like this picture, but it was a busy day and that was the only one I got. This spotty outfit sure looked a lot cuter on ebay.
there were weekends...
I can't remember what happened on this day, but it was obviously shocking
We went outside for the first time ever just to enjoy the sunshine rather than to get somewhere as quickly as possible through the whipping wind
yep, the babies have feet
I messed around with my flash, trying to get a vampire picture (who says being at home all day is not intellectually stimulating?)
dining al fresco
We visited John's family up north... this is the three brothers with their three sons.
Lulu appears to be plotting world domination
We see this face a lot at the moment... not quite sure what it means...
and L learned to sit up too.
I was warned, but I couldn't really believe it - it's all happening so fast.