Sunday, 13 December 2009

Finally, some photos from home!

Most of you know that we live in a small Victorian terrace- those of you in Australia, you've no doubt seen these in The Bill. This means that we only have windows at the front and back of the house (since the side walls are shared with our neighbours). Also, it's always raining. This means that our house is dark. Like, DARK. As in, really, really dark. This has been driving me absolutely crazy because I've got these adorable babies, constantly doing cute things, and it is impossible to get decent photos when there is no light. (SLR users - when I say dark, I've set my portrait lens to f/1.8 and in the middle of the day I'm still needing a shutter speed of about 1/2 s in natural light. At f/1.8. So yeah, dark).

Anyway, long story short, I got myself a really bright light, and now we have some photos that aren't just a big blurry mess. (Note two for SLR users - I also pulled out my big flash, which helped a lot, and yes of course I should have done that earlier. But even using ceiling bounce, which is really my only trick, I find it hard to get nice light with this as my primary source. Any tips for home lighting setups that can be managed between naps would be much appreciated. And mum, don't just say move back to Brisbane please).

So anyway, less talking, more cuteness, yes? (And apologies, by the way, to anybody who is getting a thankyou card from me because these are the same photos. Pretend to be surprised, okay?)

I really, really underestimated how hard it is to get two babies looking at the camera at the same time. Or even with their heads facing in approximately the right direction. Trying for smiles as well? Or matching clothes? Hmmmm, not yet.

I'm so pleased about how chubby they are getting.

This is beautiful baby Lulit.

and her little feet
Lulu has found her hands
and loves to smile and shout
and this is her pirate face. She opens her mouth like this and makes a loud 'ARGGGHHH' sound, like a pirate. I wasn't really expecting a baby who was ready to sail the high seas.
Baby Isaias wasn't really in the mood for smiling (he's still in his pyjamas, to my shame) but I got this one:
and this one:
but overall, he found the whole experience fairly confusing. I'll try again another day.
(Note three - does anybody know how to get around the issue of the blockiness of these photos on blogspot? They are not blocky in real life, and look completely different on flickr).


  1. Simply love Isaias' blue steel pout in that first photo! They are so beautiful Caroline. If only we could pop over for a cuppa and cuddles... With love, Alex and Katherine

  2. Absolutely beautiful - even if it is dark :-)
    Mike & Jane

  3. Caroline,
    Such a lovely collection of photos. They both look like they are thriving and are so very cute. Hope you are getting so more sleep!
    Suz, Jeremy and boys

  4. Erm, babies don't have pyjamas - they are entitled to wear 'gros all day n all night... and often do if they're baby Babenkos, so no shame please. How old are they now?

  5. Both adorable babies!! but I'd just get used to the fact right now that boy babies don't like performing for the camera, usually. Can't wait to see them in the flesh. Much love, Bec, Mike, Liam and Dominic

  6. Hi Caroline, your babies are gorgeous and look so happy! Totally get the earlier comments about teeniness but that is now behind you - wishing you a WONDERFUL first Christmas with your children and keep taking those photos to cheer us all up!
    Hoping to see you and meet your children in the flesh in the New Year.
    Love, Laura

  7. Great to see the twins thriving!! thay are so beautiful!!Happy 1st Christmas to them [and you of course!]have a lovely time!!lots of love
    Michael,Cath ,Jesse,Joanna and Sarah Toms xx
