Saturday, 9 January 2010

A few more recent photos

They've both been sick recently, which has rather cranked things up a notch. We're certainly glad that we bought as much Calpol as we did before we brought them home. I'm trying to cut through a bit of the brainfreeze by taking a photo every day in January, and maybe in 2010 if I can stand the thought. This seems like a good place to post some of them - they are growing up far, far too fast and Isaias is already into his third size of clothing. Behold Project Chubby in action.

(These first two were actually taken at the end of 2009)

Our champion drooler, leaving his mark
Smiley McSmilerson

Our pudding boy

This boy really, really loves his monkey. Thanks, Aunty Lucy.
She's either paying attention or slowly losing her balance. It's hard to tell.

Isaias likes to play with ducks in the bath
So does Lulu
Except when John gets bored and they all attack at once. Then she LOVES it.

It's been very cold.

My head isn't that big in real life, is it?

Can I have a pricecheck on a disgruntled baby, please?

1 comment:

  1. I thought it wasn't possible for them to get any more adorable, but they've achieved it! - why don't we grownups look cuter the chubbier we get?
