Wednesday, 17 February 2010

Episode 20, In which I cannot manage to insert any text between the photos

So, this has been the last few weeks. I was going to provide a running commentary, but didn't for three reasons:

  1. I'ts pretty much all cutesy babies (including a visiting baby!!), except for one train and one cat and one massive baby-led-weaning-FAIL. You're smart. You can figure out which ones these are, I suspect.
  2. I've just switched blog editors and wow, I thought the photo uploading in the OLD editor was bad. Now I can't seem to insert lines for captions between photos, or paste in more than one at once. I'm sure it's fixable with a bit of googling, but
  3. I'm hungry, and need to eat my dinner. Like, REALLY hungry. Too often, this new phase of life means 12 hours of starvation followed by four hours of chocolate once they're in bed. I'm such a good role model, really, it's amazing I'm not on TV.


  1. Oh my! Just when I think those babies can't get any cuter they do! Where were you standing to get the train pic? Or have you suddenly grown 5 ft taller? Love them all :)

  2. What a role model Mum you are!

    I bet you even tell your gullible babies that they're the lucky ones getting carrot sticks and toast fingers, while you have to survive on boring chocolate. And could they make it any clearer what they think of carrot and toast?

    Love the twins-together shots - especially the one with John and the mirror. Keep them coming!

  3. brilliant photots! So nice to get an update, we're SLOWLY getting unpacked miss you all, love jane and Mike xxx
